PEC stands for Punjab Educational Commission which is a self-regulatory entity working for the monitoring of educational standards provided to the students. It was developed by the Punjab Government specifically of grade 5th and 8th. It has been started doing work after its inception in the year 2005. Currently, it has been working under the supervision of the Punjab examination commission Act XI.
If you want to know about the exams conducted by Punjab Education Commission, then this is to inform the searchers and surfers that the results were announced after the conduction of one month after exams for the 5th and 8th grade students. We congratulate the successful candidates and suggest them to work harder in future because the coming education will be a bit tougher than the education they passed now. And for the un-cleared students we want to say that don’t be sad or disappointed rather learn from this failure and convert this into your success.
There is nothing wrong if you fail, the wrong is when you lose hope and stop struggling. Therefore double your spirit and be positive. This is the downs and rises of life and they keep on going so be strong. As a whole we advise all the students to focus on their education and don’t get distracted by the TV, games, movies, and outings. We don’t say just eradicate these things from your life. Instead we want to give you a message to have balanced influence in your life. Excess of everything is bad. So do everything on the right time and in the right quantity. Don’t study the whole day and don’t play the whole day.
Study, play, eat and exercise every day. You are the shining stars of our country. Pakistan needs you. In future, you will be going to lead Pakistan to the top thereby your time is important for your country so consider it as the most valued thing of your life as it is commonly said that time and tide wait for none. We want to add the motivational factors in all students. We wish all of you very best in every walk of life. Stay tune to our website for meaningful updates.